This game was developed in <48 hrs for a game jam, Ludum Dare. Excuse the rough edges and programmer art.

Office Routines

Going to the office may seem like you’re stuck in a loop. Same tasks, different day.

Game Mechanic

You loop through your office over and over. Tasks will be assigned which you need to complete within a given number of loops. When you start, you’ll get a chance to try each task without penalty. Once you’ve completed each task once, you’ll get new tasks assigned randomly, with a reducing number of loops you need to complete them in!

How many tasks and loops can you complete without failing?


  • A,D to move left/right, SPACE to jump, mouse click to sprint OR
  • Left,Right to move left/right, SPACE to jump, CTRL to sprint
  • You can spring while in the air
  • Find the jump off the monitor in the hallway :-)

Made withUnity
TagsLudum Dare, Ludum Dare 47
Average sessionA few minutes
LinksLudum Dare

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